Το Βιβλίο Prime Time Upper Intermediate Student's Book (Βιβλίο Μαθητή & iebook) αποτελέι μέρος της διδακτικής σειράς Αγγλικών Prime Time Τα βασικα Χαρακτηριστικά της διδακτικής σειράς οπως αυτά αναφέρονται απο τον εκδότη είναι τα εξής an integrated approach to the development of all four language skills stimulating dialogues featuring people in everyday situations vocabulary presentation and practice variety of reading and listening tasks clear presentation and practice of grammar structures activities encouraging critical thinking and response as well as web research Writing sections containing models specifically designed to develop to writing skills realistic pairwork and groupwork activities Pronunciation and Intonation sections Study tips to help students become autonomous learners Culture Corner & Cross-curricular Sections Language Review & Revision Sections at the end of each module Grammar Reference section and Vocabulary Bank section Interactive Whiteboard Software (IWB) Interactive eBook
Το Βιβλίο Prime Time Upper Intermediate Student's Book (Βιβλίο Μαθητή & iebook) αποτελέι μέρος της διδακτικής σειράς Αγγλικών Prime Time Τα βασικα Χαρακτηριστικά της διδακτικής σειράς οπως αυτά αναφέρονται απο τον εκδότη είναι τα εξής an integrated approach to the development of all four language skills stimulating dialogues featuring people in everyday situations vocabulary presentation and practice variety of reading and listening tasks clear presentation and practice of grammar structures activities encouraging critical thinking and response as well as web research Writing sections containing models specifically designed to develop to writing skills realistic pairwork and groupwork activities Pronunciation and Intonation sections Study tips to help students become autonomous learners Culture Corner & Cross-curricular Sections Language Review & Revision Sections at the end of each module Grammar Reference section and Vocabulary Bank section Interactive Whiteboard Software (IWB) Interactive eBook