geog.123 is a three-book course for the National Curriculum at Key Stage 3. This 4th edition has been specially written to match the new Programme of Study. geog.123 combines a rigorous approach to content with a light touch, making it the most effective and engaging Key Stage 3 course available. geog.2 includes coverage of GIS, population, urbanisation, , weather and climate, coasts, Asia, and Southwest China. Easy-to-use double-page spreads feature clearly-written objectives, student-friendly language, illustrated step-by-step explanations, up-to-date case studies and place-based examples, and high-quality photos, maps, and diagrams. Each Student Book has a glossary and full index. Each Student Book is supported by Kerboodle resources including lesson plans and presentations, animations, differentiated worksheets, online assessment materials, and an online Student Book; a Teacher's Handbook; a Workbook; and a Workbook Answer Book.